Hi everyone! Long time no see, right? Although you might've seen the website change.... Quite a little bit! So before anything, lets get started with the changes!
Yup! As you can see, the website should now be hosted under normalfery.es instead of the old GitHub link. Of course the old one is still there, I'm still using github to use the website until I can finally selfhost
Funny question! I managed to finally learn how to use divs and make the content... Centered and not stuck on the left! I said I'd apply class knowledge on this site, and this is how I'm doing it! Of course there's still a looong way to go, but until then I think this'll be good! Besides, Clancy had to help me with the whole div part since I couldn't do it alone, thanks hunnyy <3
That's something I'm working on! Believe me it's a pain but I managed to make them work! If they look a bit... Weird tho, please do tell me by making an issue in the site's repo! It makes it so much easier, trust me.
Yup! I'm gonna be Self hosting most of my stuff soon! That includes, along with other things,
- This Website
- Minecraft Servers (Including the return of FDUA probably)
- Pretty much anything else!
So how do I plan on doing this? Well... I have the server hardware figured out! From now on it's pretty much just assembling it, mounting the drives, figuring out how docker,
Debian, and stuff like SSH works, and then I'll have everything up and running!
I've also been thinking about moving to wordpress, but I wanna keep this old aesthetic sooo... Probably not in the nearby future, maybe next summer?
Yup, it's time to talk about Joy (PrideMod to be released), and Prideful, a Faithful 32x version of Pridepack!
So I'm gonna start with Joy because it's uh... a mixed bag.
Joy has (technically) all its content figured out concept wise, we just have to make it more concrete, more real and... Actually code it
I'm technically the creative lead butt I have no idea how to do that, all I know is "make minecraft gay", and i've been smashing my head against my IDE for getting Joy to work on 1.21.4
Oh yes. 1.21.4 It's gonna be a mod for latest, thing is, the codebase is in 1.21.1 and in 1.21.2+ stuff changed... A LOT. Which means figuring out every single thing that isn't working and just praying to god so it'll work sooner or later. It also means that 99% of the code is broken, which is just... great.
Aside from that pain, everything else might go smoothly enough, but tbh it's not like we're doing much lately, since Christmas and stuff
I don't have much to talk about in here. I did work on stuff like the pride bundles, and I think Pridexolotls too? I can't remember, but I did stuff, commited it, and not much more
Sooo aside from all the pridecraft and website changes, not much has happened! I started the new school year, still pretty much the best in my class, and, of course, I'm still working on many things! I'll try to keep you guys updated, and I hope you have nice holidays!
Happy holidays, and see you next time!
- Fery